Academic staff & Research Areas

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Edmond J. Safra CampusGivat Ram, Jerusalem

Physics and Modeling of Geological Processes: Rock Mechanics, Physics of Earthquakes, Landslides, Water and Rock Interactions, Water Springs in The Sea

Prof. Anzel Yehouda, Institute of Earth Sciences
Paleohydrology, Paleoclimatology, Quaternary Geomorphology, Floods

Prof. Yigal Erel, Institute of Earth Sciences
Isotopic Geochemistry, Environmental Geochemistry, Geochemistry of water

Prof. Gvirtzman Haim, Institute of Earth Sciences
Groundwater Hydrology, Water Resources in Israel

Dr. Garfinkel Haim, Institute of Earth Sciences
Middle Atmosphere Dynamics, ENSO, QBO, Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling, Climate Changes

Prof. Carynelisa Erlick Haspel, Institute of Earth Sciences
Atmospheric Radiative Transfer, Radiative Forcing of Climate, Cloud Microphysics, Underwater Polarization, Atmospheric Electricity
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli, Geological Survey of Israel (special arrangement with The Hebrew University)
Hydrogeology, Dating of groundwater, Seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers, Sinkholes in the Dead Sea coastal area.
Identification of organic micro-pollutants and pharmaceutical residues and hormones in wastewater. Water Chemistry

Prof. Boaz Lazar, Institute of Earth Sciences
Chemical oceanography, geochemistry of water, isotopes of radium and thorium in sea and in water basins, Classification and productivity of coral reefs, adsorption and desorption processes in surface water and groundwater. 

Prof. Morin Efrat, Institute of Earth Sciences
Hydrometeorology, hydrological processes and modeling, flash flood processes and prediction, precipitation estimation from weather radar, spatial and temporal patterns of precipitations, surface water hydrology, climate change, impact of climate change on environmental systems, drought analysis

Prof. Simon Emmanuel, Institute of Earth Sciences
Water-rock interaction; nanogeoscience; diagenesis; wetting behavior.

Prof. Amos Frumkin Institute of Earth Sciences
Caving, karst phenomena, Quaternary Geology, past climate changes, Geoarchaeology, caves in the service of man. 

Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld, Institute of Earth Sciences
Physics of clouds and rain, radar meteorology, remote sensing satellites, climates changes

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot

Soil physics, flow and deformation of porous medium

Prof. Wallach Rony, The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Mathematical models that describe water movement and transport of solutes in saturated and non-saturated porous media, irrigation control (timing and amount) for efficient use of water in the field and in greenhouses. 

Prof. Benny Chefetz, The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Side-effects of pesticides in the soil, presence and behavior of antibiotics and pharmaceutical residues in wastewater and in soil. 

Dr. Tas Eran, The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Chemo-physical properties and interaction of humic substances and minerals, the effect of organic matter on the soil structure, chemical changes in compost

Dr. Yael Mishal, The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Polyelectrolyte adsorption on siliceous surfaces, Colloid and interface science, Clay composites for water treatment, Environmental chemistry

Prof. Avner Adin, The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
Methods of wastewater treatment, desalination methods, filtration technologies
Agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, regional economics and political economics
Geochemical processes of phosphorus in the Hula Valley, reduction of pollution processes in lake Kinneret, Determining the level of fertilization in plants, restraining phosphorus release processes in Sewage sludge. 

Faculty of Social Sciences, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem

Dr. Gródek Tamir, Department of Geography
Geomorphology and hydrology of surface water

Prof. Uri Dayan, Department of Geography
Meteorology of floods, dust storms, analysis of storms in southern Israel, the behavior of tropospheric pollutants, the impact of climate change on the coast of Israel

Professor Noam Levin, Department of Geography
Remote sensing, GIS, aeolian geomorphology of dunes, spatial planning for nature conservation